Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Finally, A New Post!!!

So I have been so out of it lately, for the past 4 months, because I was out of town for the summer and because I had no internet when I got back!! Well I'm finally back and I have a lot to catch up on, but I wanted to post this picture of Fox that I just took the other day!!!
I have been painting our house and when I paint I need Fox to be entertained and unable to reach the paint! I put him on this little bike and he loved it!!!
He pushes the buttons and pushes himself back word, he hasn't quite figured out how to go forward!! It is so dang cute!!! Hopefully I will be able to do some more posting from my summer experiences, it was so fun being in the states and seeing all of my family!! But I am so happy to be back here with all of my friends!!