Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not So Welcome Visitor

So the other day I came home and found this waiting for me in my garage! At first it totally scared me, then I looked at it and thought it was pretty cool. It just sat there for awhile and let me take pictures even when I got really close! Then a few minutes later I went back out to check if it was still there and it was gone! I'm just glad it was in my garage and not my living room! Just another reminder that I live in Puerto Rico!


Unknown said...

ok so your visitor is as nasty as ours! LOL ours was brown...I am glad you didn't pick it up you dork, that thing is huge!!!

Heather Brown said...

WHOA! Is that an iguana?! That thing was huge! I'm glad you got pics of it!

prRiggs said...

...and also a reminder to close the door--my kids have a hard time with that one, so we've had a few visitors (smaller, though) in our house!

McCurdy Family said...

Watch out for iguana poop- really slippery stuff!