On November 28th our sweet Haley was baptized! It was such a beautiful, perfect day! Haley decided that she wanted to be baptized in the ocean, so we went to Escambron Beach and found a perfect little spot where the waves were calm and it was nice and secluded. We had so many friends come to support us, so even though we couldn't have our family here we weren't alone! I'm so grateful for all of my friends here, they really are like my family away from home!! I don't know what I would do with out their friendship and support! The only thing that could have gone better that day was to have the baptismal clothes! Unfortunately we weren't able to get them so our friends had a white shirt and pants for Sean to wear and a little white dress for Haley to wear, thank you so much Kevin and Jackie!

Haley was confirmed the next day in her beautiful baptism dress that her Grandma sent from Utah, it was so spiritual and emotional, I'm so proud of my Haley!

It was a beautiful day here in Puerto Rico, and after we had Haley's baptism we went down to the water and enjoyed a very nice day at the beach with some of our friends!

I mixed up the order here, but here below is Haley and Sean walking in to the ocean for her baptism and the above picture is them walking out after, it was so cool!