So I have been needing to post these pictures for about a month now and my dang internet never seems to work, I almost decided to just stop blogging because it was stressing me out! But I decided to keep trying and today the internet works great!! So here are a bunch of pictures from my time in Texas this last December and January. I will briefly explain each one. Above is the children putting out cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve!!! All in their new jammies! Also these pictures are backward as far as order goes, but I don't care.

Sitting with Mema and Poppy reading "T'was the Night Before Christmas"

Kyla, Sierra, Aria, Haley, Fox, Melia and Weston all sitting under the tree at my sisters house on Christmas Eve after they all changed into their new jammies!!! I miss you my sweet nieces!!

Christmas Eve!

My sister Thora and I, decorating cookies!!! YUMMY!!

All the kids decorating cookies, they were so good, we gave some to Santa and ate the rest, LOL!!

Weston attempting a snow angel, I don't think the snow was quite deep enough!

Playing in the snow!

This is what we woke up to Chri stmas Eve morning!!! We were so excited to see snow in Texas!!

It was so nice to play outside in the beautiful winter weather in Abilene! This was before it snowed, and it was perfect!

Sean and Weston playing frisbee, Weston was quite good!

Christmas before Sunday, here we are all dressed up. The kids are all wearing their cute matching outfits that my friends Julia and Brianna made!!! They turned out so cute!

I just love this picture, Fox is wearing his cousins glasses! He has always loved weraing glasses of anyones, but these ones look like they could really be his!

Fox and Weston with their cute cousins Kyla and Aria!!!
Yeah, I did it!! I actually posted these pictures! And it was no easy task! I had Fox screaming at me the whole time, so I better get to him!!!