So of course this is late, because all my posts are late, but I just wanted to tell everyone how awesome my Mom is!! This is a picture of me and my Mom when I was just a squishy newborn. And from the moment I was born until now she has been there for me! She gave birth to and raised 7 children, I was the middle child, and I never felt like I didn't get enough attention from her or that she loved my siblings more than me. She still provides for me, loves me and would do anything for me! I really couldn't ask for a better Mom.
Here are me and all my sisters climbing and wrestling with my Mom, of course she's holding me because I was her favorite, J/K!! But really I know that all of her children are her favorite, and I see how much she loves each one of us!! She is beautiful inside and out, she has such a strong testimony of the church, she loves the great outdoors, she went back to school after having all of us and got her Masters Degree, she's willing to sacrifice anything of hers for someone else, and is also the most fun Grandma (Mema) that my kids could ever want! I love you Mama!!! You are truly a wonderful, amazing, Mother and friend!!!