I thought I would put a little tribute to our dog Tink on here since it's her first birthday today! We got her last year for Christmas, and even though Sean and I both wanted a dog I didn't know I was pregnant yet, so right after we got Tink I started feeling really sick, I mean really sick! And of course I was having to train Tink! So that meant I was cleaning up her accidents all day long while feeling like I was going to throw-up! Needless to say, I didn't develop a very good relationship with her! But Haley , as you can see absolutley adored her! I seriously considered giving Tink away because I just couldn't handle it, but I stuck it out. And really Tink is a very sweet very well behaved little dog, she loves to cuddle with everyone, she hardly ever barks, and she is really good with kids and babies! So even though I'm still working on my relationship with her, I'm really glad that I decided to keep her. So Happy Birthday Tink, We Love You!
Here's Tink in her diaper, she was in heat and it sucked! That's what we get for delaying getting her fixed! Pretty funny huh!

This is Tink right after we got her, she's Haley's little "toy", she sleeps with her every night.

This is Tink Christmas day, I'm pretty sure she was Haley's favorite present! They even have the same color hair, she was so cute as a puppy!