Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just Another Day, Here in Puerto Rico!

So I had a pretty crazy day yesterday, and I just have to vent so I can feel better about it! It started out by me getting up with Fox to feed him at about 5:30 a.m. then getting Haley up to be ready for school by 6:00 a.m. Keep in mind I didn't go to bed until 1:00 a.m. the night before. After I got her off I had to frost the cupcakes I had made the night before to take to her school that afternoon for her birthday, since I was unable to take them on her actual birthday. By the time I was done frosting and decorating her cupcakes(which turned out really cute by the way) Weston was up and I had to get him ready to go swimming up at the Camino Pool that day! We needed to leave by 8:30 a.m. to get there on time! So I got Weston ready and then of course Fox wanted to eat again by then so I fed him and quickly got myself ready to go and then of course it was 9:00 a.m. by the time we finally left the house! Are ya tired yet? I sure was. So we get to the Camino Pool and it was great, beautiful weather, and I got to hang out with my friends! But by 10:30 a.m. I had to get Weston ready to go to pre-school, so I got him ready and sent him off. Then I had to get back to my house to get the cupcakes for Haley's birthday! So I drove home and fed Fox and got the cupcakes, as I was getting ready to leave, I realized I needed to turn off the dryer(as it is broken and won't turn off by itself) so I put Fox in his car seat and went out back to turn off the dryer. Not realizing that the door was still locked when I shut it, I turned around to go back in the house and painfully discovered what had just happened!! I was locked out of my house!!! I was already late going to Haley's school and Fox was inside all by himself!! Also our house is impossible to break into because we have bars on all the windows!! So I ran down the street to my neighbors house and used her phone to call Sean, he told me how to break into our house and I was able to successfully get back inside. So now I'm really late, I grab Fox and jump in the car! I was able to get there and give Haley her cupcakes. Then decided to pick the kids up instead of letting them ride the bus home. So we all get in the car, and Fox is hungry again so he's crying and I realize that I need to call my friend Lily because I usually pick her daughter up at the bus stop with my kids!! But I couldn't get a hold of her! I finally was able to talk to her but she didn't have a car so I had to drive home through all the crappy construction on our street to our neighborhood and jump out of the car and make Fox a bottle so Haley could feed him in the car while we went back out and picked up Lily's daughter Natalie and dropped her off at her house, by then it was 3:30 p.m. and the day was only half over!!! Anyway I don't know if any of you had enough time, or the desire to read all of this, but this is just a typical day for me here in Puerto Rico with three kids, at least that's what it feels like!


Jeanne_2008 said...

hey girly! I am so glad to see your blog. What? Are you not going to say how your broke into your house?? :) :)
Love you and miss you guys!!

Desiree said...

Wow! And we want to get pregnant and have lots of children! Some would say that we are crazy, but like you said above, you just can't get enough of your Fox. I am sure it is that way with your other little ones! I miss you guys and think of you often! I love you all lots!

Katie said...

Wow, whatta day! I saw you yesterday and had no idea!

Unknown said...

Mardy you are so awesome! I heard you loud and clear about having new family of five and having "just another day here in PR" LOL so funny! Anyways thanks for picking up natalie yesterday and sorry about your day...
I am still not really to update my blog but i will hopefully soon. love,