So I thought since it had been so long since I had posted new pictures that I would put a bunch of my cute little Fox!!! He is growing and developing more everyday! I can't believe he's almost 16 months old!!!

Here he is swimming in our backyard, we weren't planning on him going to swiming, so he has his regular diaper on and a t-shirt but when he woke up from his nap and saw that his big brother and sister were swimming, he couldn't help but join in!! this is how he gets into the pool, it is so cute!! And that's not poop on his diaper, just mud from when he sat down, seriously!!

Look how big his diaper got! He didn't even mind!

What a cute, sturdy little man!

A while ago the kids had a fire safety day at school and brought home firefighter hats, so Fox decided to try one on!! He is so photogenic!!

Popcorn anyone? This is the bowl we usually use for popcorn on Sunday nights, but Fox found it and decided it looked like a good chair! And he fit perfectly inside!

He loves to try and sit in or on everything, he always kicks Tink out of her dog bed and takes a seat for awhile!! I love my little Fox, and he is crying for me right now so I better get off the computer!!!