Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ladies Night!

Thursday night I got to go out with some of my friends!! It was so much fun, we all left our kids home with their daddies, even our babies, and really enjoyed ourselves! Since there were no good movies to see, we opted for a late dinner at Chili's! I can't remember the last time I luaghed that hard! The food was yummy, the conversation was hilarious and the company was awesome! Thanks for great night out girls!My friends from left, Lily, Me, Katie, and Amy!

It's always good to get away and relax and laugh with girlfriends! It gives me an excuse to dress up, which I love to do, since on a day to day basis I'm just running around in grubbies, and it gives me a chance to realize how much I love and miss my kids when I don't see them for a few hours! And it reminds me how awesome my husband is to support me and watch the kids whenever I need him to!!


Katie said...

We DEFINITELY need to do that again soon! You are so photogenic-No fair ;-)

Unknown said...

awww you are so sweet! You are totally right, we have a wonderful life! Good hubbies, good kids and good friends! I love your pics too!

Heather Brown said...

Oh, you are so lucky to have such great friends out there! And husbands too:)