Monday, November 3, 2008

School Parties

Haley and Weston had their school parties last week, and they were so cute! Haley had a more grown-up party this year that the class had planned themselves. They decided to bring food and bob for apples! Haley wanted to bring mashed potatoes, while everyone else was bringing cookies, punch, chips, etc. I thought that was pretty funny, but I convinced her to let me bring chips and dip instead, yeah, less work for me!Haley dove right in to try and get an apple! I was quite impressed, even though she was unsuccessful! Thanks to Amy for catching this moment on camera for me!

Weston was dressed up like a scarecrow and sang a little scarecrow song and a fall song! He was so cute doing all the actions! And he even knew all the words to the songs and sang them nice and loud! I was so proud at how well he listened to his teacher and did what he was asked to do!
His class also made spiders that they could eat, but of course Weston passed, he doesn't like to eat things that require him to get sticky or messy!! What a silly kid!!


ShOrt StoRy said...

Last Thursday I was picking Jack up from school and all of the kids were wearing spider hats and I thought to myself "how long is this going to last, when is he going to be too cool for all of these cute things" anyways, seeing Weston reminded me of's so cute to see them with these cute projects and proud to wear them...That's my girl, Haley! diving right in for the apple. Love IT!

Emily said...

Cute blog! What a fun school party. I still can't believe Fox is sleeping through the night by the way. I'm still so jealous.

Brianna said...

Love the updates. It looks like they both had so much fun at school. Kalli's school didn't celebrate Halloween because it is a "christian" school. Lame, huh?

Katie said...

How fun! Bobbing for apples? I haven't done that in forever. Your kids look like they had so much fun.

Heather Brown said...

Oh I love the pics of the kids!! So cute. Weston is straight up mini Sean in the bottom pic of him with the spider treat. I miss you guys so much!

Thora said...

In the pic of Haley coming out of the bobbing for apples--- she looks just like Sierra!!!

Jenn said...

Ohmyheck! How fun, the kids are so cute.